Venu Naturopathy


Anubha Mishra

Anubha Mishra

About Anubha Mishra

More From Anubha Mishra

UN's relevance in jeopardy in the absence of reforms

The UN membership has undergone a sea change since 1945 and the new realities need to be reflected in the permanent membership.  Any proposal that does not address the issue of representation of the Global South, including Africa, Asia and Latin America, in the permanent category does a grave injustice to the aspirations of developing countries…

Feminisation of agriculture in South Asia: Need to close the gender gap

Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen is a vehement supporter of granting land access to women and argues that economic empowerment is a critical step to realise the goal of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The Eurocentric Nobel Prizes: Smacking of biases and double standards

After all how objective or desirable can the Nobel Prize for Peace be if Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest messenger of non-violence the world has seen for centuries, never got it? His name was nominated several times but Sweden did not want to annoy Britain. 

G-20: India can seize the moment to give a new direction to multilateralism

India's leadership has already committed itself to exploiting the linkages between economic growth, gender equality, peace, and security and the use of technological innovations for universal benefit. India has championed the cause of low-income nations in the past — and it could now do so again.